The Looney Tunes Show Wiki

Spargle Inc. is a company in The Looney Tunes Show, which sells a decaffeinated carbonated-energy drink, Spargle.


Spargle causes it drinkers to be energized for a short period of time. Upon intake, the drinker develops an addiction to it, constantly wanting for more and will do anything to obtain more. As shown in Off Duty Cop, Bugs, upon drinking it, becomes very energized, engaging in activities that take usually a long time in just a few minutes (e.g. cooking numerous dishes, decorating the entire house, exercising and writing and publishing a book). When his supply of Spargle is gone, he snaps, punching a hole in a wall with his bare hands. The only known cure to the addiction is to stop drinking it and find a substitute. It is manufactured by Spargle Inc., and it turns out to be a scam. It contains dangerous and addictive chemicals and not the "spargler berries" which they claimed it has in it. Upon busting it's HQ, the FBI stops its production and arrests all of its employees including Yosemite Sam, who in the first place knew about this. Bugs is then sent to a recovery process.

Known Workers[]

  • Yosemite Sam (sales representative)
  • Unnamed Receptionist
  • Hundreds of other employees

Victimized Citizens[]
